Friday, January 7, 2011

What is a carnival?

The word carnival comes from the Latin "Carne Vale", which means both "goodbye to meat" or "farewell to meat" and is often more parties in connection with the pre-Lenten Catholic when the world can enjoy the pleasures of the flesh were, wine, women and song, which, for the 40 days of the Christian Lent.

Some believe that the Carnival, the spread through Europe with the old Roman Saturnalia festival and bacchanal, the word formBacchanal is. Others believe that the Catholic Church old pagan fertility rights that are at an earlier time, perhaps even using our passage through the Fertile Crescent in the Middle East, or man's journey from Africa.

Carnival Travel in the United Kingdom

Whatever it may be a source of accurate information, the word "carnival" means many different things today, and is celebrated in many ways. In the United Kingdom and parts of Europe and NorthAmerica, the carnival is a traveling circus (a play on the Latin words found in exotic animal acts and struggles of gladiators), the games have a variety of races, e. The most notable of this conversation is the carousel, or merry-go-round, where children ride horses prancing and all sorts of strange animals to the accompaniment of traditional music Calliope now.

The carnival in Europe

Today we celebrate in many other parts of Europe with CarnivalProcessions, floats, making fun, masked balls, fireworks and various other entertainment. The most important of these is the Carnival and the Carnival of Belgium, Rijeka, Croatia, Cyprus, the party in Mohac Masopust Czech Republic, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Patras, Greece, Hungary, Viareggio in Italy, Venice, Malta, Poland and Spain. Paris is also good to know before Mardi Gras in the French Revolution.

Carnival in the NewWorld

jumped into the carnival of the New World, where European Catholics who had long beset the African tradition of singing and dancing masks language subservient to mark important occasions. In this cultural melting pot Carnival has individual character, it makes the circumstances, events of great demand dictates official and religious constraints.

In Rio, but everything stops the clock for four days. Each, night clubs and street corner theateris a ballroom for the subjects of King Momo confetti decorated. In New Orleans Mardi Gras revelers shot famous for its jewelry, floats and open sexuality. Carnival in Panama, Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and several cities in Mexico have taken their own tastes, as Mardi Gras in the Bahamas and the Caribbean. Of the latter, Trinidad and Tobago Carnival region passes through the invention of the steel strip which is now operational in all tropicalholiday on the island, the birth Soca, the new sound of the Caribbean, the development of costume to new heights, and a destination for the fun to do with Carnival, the world has been described as the biggest street party.

Carnival of re-entry into Europe

Today, New style carnival world, especially the carnival and soca music of Trinidad and Tobago have been following the Caribbean and South American immigrants to North AmericaCities like Boston, Miami, New York and Toronto. Trinidad and Tobago Caribbean style carnivals are also fertile ground in which immigrants settled on the Caribbean to Europe and the United Kingdom. Carnival has come full circle again, and Europe's largest street festival, the Notting Hill Carnival in London, England.

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